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江苏-昆山 | 本科 | 综合 | 民办 | 隶属江苏省教育厅


摘要: 昆山杜克大学英语专业是一个很好的专业,本页面将展示昆山杜克大学的学生对英语专业的真实评价,包含综合满意度、就业满意度等。


Cultural Studies is an interdisciplinary field of research and teaching that investigates the forms of life and culture produced in today’s interconnected world. Combining the strengths of the social sciences and the humanities, and drawing on methods and theories from literary studies, cultural anthropology, history, sociology, media studies, film studies, communications, economics, etc., Cultural Studies explores ways in which “culture” creates and transforms individual experiences, everyday life, social relations and power. With its attentiveness to power relations, hegemony, inequality and diversity, Cultural Studies has a productive role to play in building a better world. Put simply, Cultural Studies is not just an abstract academic field but a production of knowledge that has real world implications.Focusing on the practical and theoretical issues arising from cross-cultural encounters around the world, Cultural Studies examines conventional cultural products (literature, history, film, visual art, music, social media, new technology, etc.) and also their broader political and social contexts (colonialism, modernity, capitalism, etc.). In today’s era of economic globalization and neoliberal restructuring, the language of culture is increasingly heard in debates about issues as diverse as nationalism, political conflicts, human rights, immigration, trade, the environment, media, history, literacy, and education. In the new millennium, increasing students’ capacity to live with and understand the heterogeneity and flux that characterize global flows of people, culture, and capital is of paramount importance. The major in Global Cultural Studies has tracks in World Literature and in World History and imparts students with skills and competency in critical thinking, cultural analysis, and communication for careers in education, creative industry, NGOs and international business and law.