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江苏-昆山 | 本科 | 综合 | 民办 | 隶属江苏省教育厅


摘要: 昆山杜克大学经济学专业是一个很好的专业,本页面将展示昆山杜克大学的学生对经济学专业的真实评价,包含综合满意度、就业满意度等。
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Within the field of international relations in general, and international political economy in particular, interested Duke Kunshan University students will have a chance to explore–both broadly and deeply, a large array of the world’s most pressing issues–issues that will determine the balance between peace and conflict over the coming decades. Given the growing impact of globalization and the rather profound structural changes occurring in international affairs, it is imperative that we train a new generation of international relations theorists and practitioners who can appreciate, manage and lead in the increasingly complex world that we face on a daily basis.The field of international political economy utilizes an interdisciplinary approach to examine the reciprocal relationships between politics and markets, both within and among countries, employing a variety of analytical and research tools, including those of economics. Its concerns include interactions among economic and political development; cooperation and conflict among nations, groups, and individuals; the distribution of material resources and political/economic power; the effects of political actors and institutions on economic outcomes and vice versa; the causes and consequences of technological change, growth, and globalization; and regulation and global governance. The curriculum will provide students an overview of the changing face of international relations as well as impart to them the critical tools and techniques that inform the study of international political economy. Students will have an opportunity to examine and assess a broad range of global issues using the lens and conceptual frameworks of political economy. Students can choose among the three disciplinary tracks: Economics, Political Science, or Public Policy.